12 labours of hercules 4 hidden objects
12 labours of hercules 4 hidden objects

12 labours of hercules 4 hidden objects

II - Costs 8 supplies, provides 2 supplies

#12 labours of hercules 4 hidden objects upgrade#

III - Upgrade to medium, costs 15 supplies, provides 3rd worker II - Upgrade to small, costs 9 supplies, provides 2nd worker I - Most levels start with just one worker, but occasionally two. More Resources - Horn of Plenty (adds 1 unit to each item picked up) Inadequate quantities of resources will show up in red plus information about exactly what you are short of. If there is nothing in red, you have enough resources.

12 labours of hercules 4 hidden objects

Hover your cursor over an item to see the cost and income.Yellow ring means you need 1 trip of resources Orange rings means you need about 2 trips of resources Red rings means you needs a lot of resources to upgrade or collect Green rings means you have the resources to pick them up Items and areas that are accessible will have different colored rings around them. So use that to your advantage to get a worker out there asap. It is possible in this game to not only queue up tasks, but queue those that do not have enough resources as long as they are accessible. Pegasus - Drops stones and removes harpies Hercules - Removes boulders and other odd jobs Servants - Build, repair, and collect resources. We hope you enjoy our 12 Labours of Hercules Walkthrough! Our walkthrough includes detailed step-by-step instructions as well as video solutions of each and every level to help you come up with those challenging gold times. Welcome to our 12 Labours of Hercules Walkthrough! Here you'll find everything you'll need to help the legendary hero, Hercules, battle his way through mythical creatures and countless dangers as he attempts to save his wife from the evil Hades.

12 labours of hercules 4 hidden objects